AMSTERDAM COCOA WEEK #makingimpacttogether
In 2024, the Amsterdam Cocoa Week brought the World Cocoa Foundation Partnership meeting, the Cacao of Excellence Awards Ceremonies and Chocoa to the Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam. Besides these main partners, a number of other organizations hosted a side-event in the Beurs. More than 2,500 professionals and 5,000 consumers joined for networking, knowledge exchange and business opportunities.
In 2025, Amsterdam celebrates its 750th anniversary, with the Amsterdam Cocoa Week as part of its festivities. The Amsterdam Cocoa Week takes place from 3-9 February. From Monday- Friday you can benefit from different business to business events that attract a large variety of stakeholders. You will have the opportunity to close deals, learn from your peers and you are certain to enjoy an excellent vibe. In the Weekend you can enjoy the Amsterdam Chocolate Festival and engage with consumers.
Join us in Amsterdam in making the cocoa and chocolate sector future proof!